Feb 7, 2023, Our work on N-doped organic transparent conductor (n-PBDF) is published in JACS. Contracts to Zhifan, Jinhyo, and all authors. It has the highest conductor among organic conductors. At the same time, it is air, moisture, and thermally resilient.
Oct 29, 2022, Notre Dame-Purdue Soft Matter & Polymers Symposium and Poster Session is held in Jordan Hall of Science - Galleria. Several members will participate in the event.
Sep 1, 2022, Dylan won the best presentation award from SURF. Dylan is an undergraduate researcher working with Dr. Wenting Wu on the biofunctionalization of conjugated polymers.
Aug 30, 2022, We are part of the newly funded DOE EFRC center - the Center for Soft PhotoElectroChemical Systems (SPECS). SPECS’ mission is to understand the factors controlling charge and matter transport processes that underpin emerging energy conversion (i.e. catalysis) and energy storage technologies across spatiotemporal scales in highly scalable, durable π-conjugated polymer materials.
May 18, 2022, Dr. Xuefei Li will start her independent career at Georgia State University.
Apr 14 and 20, 2022, Dung Tran and Xuyi Luo successfully defended their Ph.D. thesis.
Dec 16, 2021, Dr. Mei is recognized and receives the 2021-2022 College of Science Undergraduate Advising Award
Nov 23, 2021, Dr. Mei is named Richard and Judith Wien Professor.
Nov 6, 2021, Mei group had the first outing in Turkey Run since the start of Pandemic.
May 12, 2021, John won the 2021 Astronaut Scholar fellowship. Astronaut Scholarships are awarded to students in their junior and senior year of college studying science, technology, engineering, or mathematics with the intent to pursue research or advance their field upon completion of their final degree. Astronaut Scholars are among the best and brightest minds in STEM who show initiative, creativity, and excellence in their chosen field.
May 11, 2021, Our former graduate student Dr. Aristide Gumyusenge accepted a faculty position at MIT. He will join the Department of Materials Science and Engineering as an Assistant Professor in the Spring of 2022.
April 20, 2021, William successfully defended his thesis. Congrats, Dr. McNutt.
April 16, 2021, Saadia successfully defended her thesis. Congrats, Dr. Chaudhry.
March 1, 2021, Welcome Dr. Kai Lang and Dr. Ranajit Mondol on board. Kai has expertise in organic synthesis and catalysis and Ranajit is an organometallic chemist. Both will contribute to organic and polymer synthesis and methodology development.
Feb 18, 2021, We are now part of a MURI project titled of An Informatics Paradigm for Predicting Organic Chemical Stability and team up with computational chemists to understand degradation of organic materials. New Release
Jan 27, 2021, Dr. Jiayingzi Wu's last work at Purdue is published in Analytical Chemistry. In this paper, we first reported the design of NIR-II photoacoustic probe through ambient doping of conjugated polymers. It paves the way for the development of new activatable NIRII imaging probes and also facilitates the investigation of biological and pathological processes in deep-tissue.
Dec 15, 2020, Welcome Dr. Ashkan Abtahi to join the group. Dr. Abtahi was trained with Prof. Ken Graham at the University of Kentucky and gained a PhD degree in applied physics. He will lead our efforts on failure analysis (degradation) of electrochemical devices to elucidate the fundamental physics behind.
Nov 6, 2020, Welcome first year graduate students Joe and Mustafa to the group.
Aug 21, 2020, Dr. Jungho Lee from UNIST Korea joined us. Jungho has expertise in organic synthesis.
May 8, 2020, Saadia is the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship recipient. Congrats!
May 4, 2020, John is recognized as Outstanding Sophomore from College of Science. Congrats, John.
Apr 28, 2020, A Spring group photo in memory of COVID-19.
Mar 4th, 2020, Dr. Mei has been named a 2020 ACS Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Young Investigator. He was also selected as a 2019 ACS Division of Organic Chemistry (DOC) Academic Young Investigator last fall.
Mar 1st, 2020, Saadia is selected as a 2020 Beckman Institute Postdoctoral Fellow. She is planning to graduate in the Fall of 2020. Congrats !
Feb 18, 2020, Jongsu left for a faculty position at Sunchon National University in Korea. We had a small gathering to celebrate his new position. Congrats and best wishes for your adventure !
Welcome to two New Students of 2019 class to join the group, Xukun from Tsinghua University and Zhiyang from Indianan University (IU Bloomington)
Dec 9, 2019, Aristide is selected for the two-year GLAM Postdoctoral Fellowship and will head to Stanford University as a postdoc fellow, working aside with Prof. Zhenan Bao (ChemE) and Prof. Alberto Salleo (MSE) in January 2020.
Nov 15, 2019, Astride successfully defended his thesis. Congrats, Dr. Gumyusenge!
Oct 21, 2019, Natalie is once again featured in the News as an Astronaut Scholar.
Oct 18, 2019, Dr. Wenting Wu from SIOC joins us a postdoc fellow. Welcome.
Oct 15, 2019, Dr. Yi Zhengran leaves the group and will join Fudan University. Congrats and best wishes with your future scientific pursuing.
Oct 10, 2019, Jiazhi defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congrats Dr. He and best wishes to your time at Ambilight Inc - making a better world with electrochromic windows.
Sep 21, 2019, the 6th Annual Notre Dame-Purdue Symposium on Soft Matter & Polymers is held on Purdue Campus.
Notre Dame-Purdue Soft Matter & Polymers Symposium and Poster Session
Sep 3, 2019, Natalie is featured in Purdue News ! Kadlubowski, Tesmer earn nationally prestigious Goldwater Scholarships. Natalie is also the only Astronaut Scholar of 2019 from Purdue University.
Astronaut Scholars are among the best and brightest minds in STEM who show initiative, creativity, and excellence in their chosen field.
Sep 1-3, 2019, Jongsu joins the group as a postdoctoral associate and Huihong, from Prof. Hanying Li's group at Zhejing University, joins us as a visiting graduate student.
Aug 15, 2019, Hongguang joins the group as a MI-BIO postdoctoral associate.
Aug 8th, 2019, Our review article on "Solution-Processable Electrochromic Materials and Devices" appears online as part of the 2019 Journal of Materials Chemistry C Emerging Investigators themed issue.

July 29, 2019, Mi-Bio Summit on Flexible and Stretchable Bioelectronics is held on Purdue Campus. The Organizing Committee of the Mi-Bio Summit on Flexible and Stretchable Bioelectronics invites you to join us on the campus of Purdue University in beautiful West Lafayette, Indiana from Monday, July 29-Wednesday, July 31. The Mi-Bio Summit will bring together world experts in the emerging field of intrinsically-stretchable bioelectronics in order to bridge the discipline from the design of materials through clinical application. This Summit will provide a unique opportunity to interact with a wide range of thought leaders from academia, industry, government, and clinical arenas in an intimate setting. In addition to thirteen confirmed plenary and invited speakers, there will be panel discussions with significant question input from the audience, providing in-depth discussion led by editors from some of the top journals in the field. A poster session will be held on Tuesday afternoon, where you can present your newest results to the assembled group. We look forward to having you join us at the inaugural Mi-Bio Summit on Flexible and Stretchable Bioelectronics.

June 17, 2019, Aristide's paper is selected as the Editor Choice and the Cover. Isoindigo-Based Binary Polymer Blends for Solution-Processing of Semiconducting Nanofiber Networks,
June 1st, 2019, Youlong leaves for a faculty position at Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China. Congrats and good luck with your future endeavors !
May 14, 2019, Saadia is selected to participate 2019 UIC Next Generation Electrochemistry (NGenE) program on June 3-7, 2019. The week long summer school is supported by NSF.
April 26, 2019, Natalie M Kadlubowski, an undergraduate researcher in the group since the Spring of 2017, is recognized as a 2019 Goldwater Scholar. Natalie has worked on the synthesis of organic semiconductors with graduate student Xuyi Luo. So far she has co-authored two articles.
The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation was established by Congress in 1986 to serve as a living memorial to honor the lifetime work of Senator Barry Goldwater, who served his country for 56 years as a soldier and statesman, including 30 years in the U.S. Senate.
April 24, 2019, Aristide Gumyusenge won the MRS Graduate Student Gold Award. This award honors and encourages graduate students whose academic achievements and current materials research display a high level of excellence and distinction.
Aristide is also recognized as the Arthur Nowick Graduate Student Awardee for his particular promise as a future teacher and mentor. This award honors the late Dr. Arthur Nowick and his lifelong commitment to teaching and mentoring students in materials science.

April 18, 2019, Aristide won H. C. Brown Graduate Student Award and delivered the Brown Lectures, together with Prof. Gregory C. Fu, California Institute of Technology, Prof. Benjamin List, Max-Planck Institute, Prof. Sarah E. Reisman, California Institute of Technology, Prof. Peter H. Seeberger, Max Planck Institute and another student Awardee Jacob Werth from the Uyeda's group.

April 5, 2019, Saadia's first paper and also the group's first JPC is now online. Congrats, Saadia, a job well done !
April 3, 2019, Congrats John Putzigeron the Wolinsky Summer Research Fellowship.
March 13-14, 2019, Dr. Mei delivered a talk in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Stanford University and in the Department of Chemistry at the University of California, Santa Cruz. It was great to be there and to meet many talented people.
March 12, 2019. Welcome, Ka Ma, Our 2019 Gilbreth Fellow. Ke received her PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder in December 2017. She received her BS degree in Chemical Engineering & Technology from Zhejiang University. Her research interests include inorganic nanomaterials, photocatalysis, and DNA nanotechnology in catalysis and biomedicine. Ke will be working with her co-advisors, Dr. Letian Dou, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, and Dr. Jianguo Mei, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, to use polyelectrolytes to guide perovskite growth and improve their electronic properties for next-generation optoelectronics.
Anticipated timeline for the 2020 fellowship competition
- July 2019: call to engineering faculty to post research topics on the LGPF website
- August 2019: website with proposed topics made live to interested applicants
- December 6, 2019: deadline to receive full application packets with recommendation letters
- March 2020: the 2020 Lillian Gilbreth Postdoc Fellows announced;
March 11, 2019, the group celebrated the Spring Break with Chinese Hotpot!

Feb 25th -Mar 1st, 2019, Dr. Mei had a swing trip of Southern California, give four talks at UCLA (Physical Chemistry) on Feb 25th, UCSD (NanoEngineering) on Feb 26th, USC ( Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute) on Feb 27th and UCSB (MSE) on Mar 1st, titled of "Semiconducting Polymer Blends: Bringing the Best of Both Worlds for Plastic Electronics."
Jan 5th, 2019. Aristide is highlighted in the Rwandan Daily News back in his home country - the New Times
Dec 6, 2018, Our work on high temperature organic semiconductors appears in Science Magazine. Thanks all who contributed. Prof. Savoie for computational analysis and Prof. Azyner for X-ray characterization. It has attracted a a great deal of medial attention. (See Altmetric) Purdue News
Nov 1, 2018, Ke and Zhifang officially joined the team. Welcome !
Oct 24, 2018, Xuyi and Dung passed their qualifying exams. Congrats !
Sep, 2018, the registration is open for the 5th Annual Notre Dame-Purdue Symposium on Soft Matter & Polymers
Aug 28, 2018, Our high-precision slot-die coater is up and running. We are a step closer towards flexible electronics.

Aug 19-23, 2018, Dr. Mei co-organized the symposium of Synthesis, Processing, and Device Engineering of Polymeric Electronic Materials at 256th ACS National Meeting, Boston. Jiayingzi, Jiazhi and Saadia presented their research.
July 20, 2018, Jingfei Wang from MSE @ Cornell University completed her two months summer internship. Best wishes to your future endeavors !
July 17, 2018, Our first US Patent @Purdue is granted today.

June 26, 2018, Xuyi's first paper is accepted as a VIP, which will appear in the thematic issue of Organic Materials in Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry as an invited article.
May 10, 2018, Our first-joint paper with Prof. Boudouris @ChemE on Radical Copolymer Thin Film as the Ion Storage Layer in Organic Electrochromic Devices appears online in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces .
May 2nd, 2018, Aristide won a Charles Viol Fellowship for his outstanding scholarly work.
April, 2018, all five undergraduate students, Vani, Juncheng, Hongyi, Kenny and Xurui will attend graduate schools this Fall. Congrats and best wishes to their future endeavors !

April 13, 2018, Prof. Zhenan Bao @ Stanford visited Purdue Chemistry and delivered "Designing Skin-Inspired Organic Electronic Materials" as one of the 35th H C Brown Lectures.
April 5, 2018, Natalie is recognized with a SURF fellowship
April 2-6, 2018, Dr. Mei, together with Hanying Li @Zhejiang University, Tina Ng @UC San Diego, Joon Hak Oh @POSTech, organized the symposium of MA02—Organic Electronics—Processing, Microstructure and Multifunctioning with more than 120 participants at 2018 Spring MRS in Phoenix.
March 22, 2018, Dr. Mei delivered an invited talk at the 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition in New Orleans.
March 18h, 2018, Our proposal, jointly with Prof. Bryan Boudouris @ChemE, Prof. Kejie Zhao @MechE, and Prof. Zubin Jacob @ECE, is granted. We are going to purchase a pilot-scale, high precision, slot-die coater for thin-film organic electronics.
Feb 10, 2018, Yan is leaving us after three and a half year in the group. He is taking a faculty position at Fudan University. Best wishes to him !
Jan 24, 2018, Aristide's first paper appears online in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. Congrats !
Jan 3, 2018, Our perspective on Flexible and Printed Organic Thermoelectrics is online, in which we discussed the opportunities and challenges.
Oct 25, Nov 1st, 6th and 9th. 2017, Jiazhi, Saadia, Aristead and William passed their oral qualified exams. They are officially Ph.D. candidates, the first batch of the MEI group. Congrats !

October 2017, we welcome three first-year graduate students, Kuluni, and Atheena.
Oct 24th, 2017, Prof. Lei Fang @ Texas A&M University visited and delivered a wonderful talk on the synthesis of ladder-type conjugated oligomers and polymers.
Oct 20, 2017, Dr. Mei, together with Prof. Ng, Prof. Li and Prof. Oh, will organize a symposium on Organic Electronics at the 2018 MRS Spring Meetings on April 2-6, 2018. Look forward to meeting many friends !
Sep 19, 2017, Congrats Jiayingzi and Jiazhi on their Adv. Mater., and ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. These two publications mark the beginning of two new research directions (polymers for biomedical imaging and polymers for energy) in the group, which complement our existing polymers for electronics.
Sep 16th, 2017, the Notre Dame-Purdue Symposium on Soft Matter & Polymers is held on Purdue campus. We welcome more than 120 registered participants, 11 invited speakers and nearly 70 poster presenters. Enjoy the science, foods and drinks. It is all FREE !

Sep 1st, 2017, We say goodbye to Tianxiong, and welcome Dazhen to join the group at the same time. Tianxiong is an undergraduate student in Peking University, who stayed more than two months with us for his summer research. Dazhen is a postdoc fellow, who graduated from Institute of Chemistry, CAS with Prof. Chong-an Di. Dazhen is going to lead our efforts on doping of organic semiconductors and organic thermoelectrics.
June-Aug, 2017, we published 5 full articles with our collaborators (Diao group @UIUC, Li group at @Zhejiang Univ and Graham @UKy and Chen group @BU) over the summer. Congratulations, Jiayingzi, Xikang, Guobiao, Ge and Erfan who led these projects and all authors who contributed to the studies.
July 15, 2017, we had our group annual outing at the Turkey Run Park. Many beers and a lot fun !
June, 2017, Zero year graduate students Xingrui Zhu and Maria Misovich join us for their summer research. Xingrui was from Illinois Institute of Technology and Maria was from Michigan State University. Both will become a graduate student at Purdue in August, in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, respectively.
June 7th, 2017, we are selected for Ralph W. and Grace M. Showalter Research Trust Award with the effort on semiconducting polymers for near-IR photoacoustic imaging.
April 12, 2017, Dr. Mei is selected for Teaching for Tomorrow Fellowship. Teaching for Tomorrow (TfT) Fellowship program is aimed to foster continued excellence of teaching and learning, and to facilitate the development of the teaching potential of the faculty.
Apr 2-6, 2017, Dr. Mei co-organized the symposium of Synthesis, Processing, and Device Engineering of Polymeric Electronic Materials at 254th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco with Prof Fang @ Texas AM and Prof Di @ CAS.
Yan, Aristide and Dr. Mei presented the group research on melt-processable semiconducting polymers.
Apr. 6, 2017, Liyan and Saadia's synthetic efforts on direct polymerization arylation appears in Poly Chem.
March 24, 2017, our joint proposal with Prof. Bryan Boudouris of "Variable Temperature Thermoelectric Probe Station with Magnetic Field Manipulation", a money value of $307,000, has been funded by Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP). This unique tool will allow us to jointly study organic thermoelectrics, and millions of thanks go to DOD for the generosity.
We were informed by a google search. :-)
Dec 5th, 2016, Yan's work on melt processing semiconducting polymers for organic transistor is published in Advanced Materials. See the highlight here.
Nov 21, 2016, Xikang (left picture) successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations !
Nov 18th, 2016, Aristide (right picture) awarded with a H. C Brown Travel Grant.
Nov 18th, 2016, Dr. Mei received the NSF Career Award. Thanks for the support.
The CAREER proposal seeks to understand the nature of flow-induced chain alignment and the resulting morphology and its impact on optical, electronic and mechanical properties in melt-processed complementary semiconducting polymer blends (c-SPBs).
Oct 18, 2016, we received ACS PRF DNI grant for C-H activation.
Oct 18, 2016, Welcome first-year graduate students Xuyi and Dung Trong.
Oct 8th, 2016, the Notre Dame-Purdue Symposium on Soft Matter & Polymers was held at Notre Dame's Eck Visitor's Center. It attracted more than 70 participants and 37 posters. The next Notre-Dame Purdue symposium will be held on the Purdue Campus (West Lafayette).
Oct 5th, 2016, Dr. Mei gave an invited talk titled with "Melt-processing complementary semiconducting polymer blends for organic transistors" at the 11th International Conference of Electroluminescence and Optoelectronic Devices (ICEL) in Raleigh, NC.
![]() Aug 7-12, 2016, Dr. Mei visited Department of Chemistry at Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, and gave a talk on a Journey with Semiconducting Polymers and Organic Electronics. He had a great time there. Thanks Prof. Maria and Prof. Baumann for hosting. June 13th, Dr Mei, together with other PIs, is awarded with 2016 Purdue Major Scientific Equipment Award. The fund will be used to purchase a fluorometer with near-IR II window capability. ![]() April 18, 2016, Vani is awarded with the Falkner Summer Research Award. Congratulations, Vani ! |
![]() June 25-July 4th, Dr. Mei had a week-long tour in China. On June 25th, he shared the research progress with Dr. Chong-an Di and Dr. Daoben Zhu at Insititute of Chemistry, Chinese Academia of Sciences, Beijing. |
April 15th, 2016, Prof. Klaus Muellen presented a talk on " The Chemist's Carbon Nanostructures as Functional Multitalents" for the Herbert C Brown Lectures in Organic Chemistry. It was a fantastic promotion for Organic Chemistry in Materials and Polymer Science.
March 18, 2016, Xikang and Yan's artilce on CBS length effect is online in Macromolecules.
Good job !
March 4, 2016, Dr. Mei is a 2016 ONR Young Investigator Award Recipient. Thanks for the support!
Feb 16, 2016, Prof. Kyle Plunkett from SIU visited us and delivered a talk on "Synthesis of CP-PAH Based Electron Accepting Materials and Highly-Ordered Polymer Nanostructures"
Jan 11, 2016, undergraduate researcher Rachel Rahn received one semester of funding from the SRC Education Alliance URO program. Congratulations, Rachel !
Dec 18, 2015, Visiting student Tianbai joins us from Department of Information Science and Electronics Engineering at Zhejiang University. Tianbai has expertise in solid state sensing devices. He will stay with us for a year and explore the potentials of our home-made polymers for flexible electronics. Xu, et al., High resolution skin-like sensor capable of sensing and visualizing various sensations and three dimensional shape
The e-Polymer Lab welcomes a visiting graduate student, Guobiao and four graduate students Aristide, Jiazhi, Saadia and William! We are growing bigger and stronger!
Oct 7th, 2015, our work, titled "Complementary Semiconducting Polymer Blends (c-SPBs) for Efficient Charge Transport" is accepted by Chem Mater. In this study, we present complementary semiconducting polymer blends (c-SPBs), aiming to provide solutions for both fundamental understanding of charge transport and the processability problem.
Sep 22, 2015, Rachel Rahn, an undergraduate researcher in the e-Polymer Lab, won the first place award for the best URO presentation at the 2015 Semiconductor Research Corporation TECHCON conference in Austin, TX. Rachel was recognized for her research performed together with the Postdoctoral Fellow Yan Zhao, titled “Analysis of the Fabrication Conditions in Organic Field-Effect Transistors”. TECHCON is the primary event for Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) to showcase the best of research sponsored by the membership and students performing the research. It is also the venue for recognizing industry and university participants who make SRC a world-class research management organization. Congratulations, Rachel !
WSPC Reference on Organic Electronics: Organic Semiconductors (edited by Jean-Luc Bredas & Seth R Marder) is ready. This 2-volume set provides the reader with a basic understanding of the foundational concepts pertaining to the design, synthesis, and applications of conjugated organic materials used as organic semiconductors, in areas including organic photovoltaic devices, light-emitting diodes, field-effect transistors, spintronics, actuation, bioelectronics, thermoelectrics, and nonlinear optics.
Dr. Mei made a contribution to OFETs: Basic Concepts and Materials in volume 2.
Aug 7, 2015, our contributed work is published in Advanced Materials, titled of "Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Semiconducting Polymer Nanoparticles for In Vivo Photoacoustic Imaging". Briefly, diketopyrrolopyrrole-based semiconducting polymer nanoparticles with high photostability and strong photoacoustic brightness are designed and synthesized, which results in 5.3-fold photoacoustic signal enhancement in tumor xenografts after systemic administration.
Aug 1st, 2015, perspective graduate student Aristide Gumyusenge completed the summer research with us.
July 23, 2015, Dr. Mei presented a contributed talk, titled of "Complementary Semiconducting Polymer Blends for Efficient Charge Transport", at the 12th International Symposium on Functional π-Electron Systems (Fπ-12) in Seattle. Thanks Prof. Christine Luscombe (University of Washington) and Prof. Thuc-Quyen Nguyen (University of California, Santa Barbara) for organizing the event.
June 26, 2015, Dr. Mei presented an invited talk, titled of "Complementary Semiconducting Polymer Blends for Efficient Charge Transport", at the 13th Polymers for Advanced Technologies in Hanzhou, organized by Zhejiang University.
June 24, 2015, Dr. Mei delivered the Xuetang Lecture in the Department of Chemistry at Tsinghua University, titled of "From Silicon to Carbon: the Rise of Organic Semiconductors for Emerging Electronic Applications".
During the two-weeks trip of June 22- July 5th in China, Dr. Mei visited Prof. Zhang Xi's group at Tsinghua University, Prof. Pei Jian's group at Peking University, Prof. Di Chong-an's group at ICCAS, Prof. Li Hanying and Prof. Chen Hongzheng's group at Zhejiang University. Thanks for hosting. It was a great time !
Our recent work on "Conjugation-Break Spacers in Semiconducting Polymers: Impact on Polymer Processability and Charge Transport Properties" published in Macromolecules joins the Most Read Articles in May.
April 28, 2015, Congratulations to Michael Abu-Omar, recipient of 2015 Margerum award for summer research!
April 27, 2015, Congratulations to Xikang Zhao, recipient of 2015-2016 Purdue Research Foundation (PRF) research Fellow !
April 14, 2015, Congratulations to Rachel Rahn, recipient of the 2015 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship! She has also seized the SRC opportunity to do undergraduate research with us on organic semiconductors.
April 1st, 2015, the first paper from Purdue is online and appears in Macromolecules, titled with "Conjugation-Break Spacers in Semiconducting Polymers: Impact on Polymer Processability and Charge Transport Properties".
Sep 12th, 2014, graduate student Xikang joins our team ! Xikang obtained his B.S. degree from Peking University in 2012. He is going to explore eletroactive polymers for flexible electronics.
Aug 18th, 2014, Welcome Dr. Yan Zhao to join our team ! Dr. Zhao obtained his Ph.D. from Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science. He is going to lead our investigation on materials processing and device fabrication.
On July 1st, we officially moved into WTHR 465 !!! Bright office and Clean Hoods. Thanks go to the Chemistry maintenance team and the Dai Group, the former owner !
March 6th, 2014, Jianguo officially accepted the position as an assistant professor from the Department of Chemistry at Purdue University.
Jan 26th, "Semiconducting polymer nanoparticles as photoacoustic molecular imaging probes in living mice" appeared in Nature Nanotechnology. These results demonstrate semiconducting polymer nanoparticles to be an ideal nanoplatform for developing photoacoustic molecular probes.
Jan 6th, 2014, "Highly stable organic polymer field-effect transistor sensor for selective detection in the marine environment" appeared in Nature communications. This discovery has potential for inexpensive, ink-jet printed, and large-scale environmental monitoring devices that can be deployed in areas once thought of as beyond the scope of organic materials.
Jan 6th, 2014, "Side Chain Engineering in Solution-Processible Conjugated Polymers" is one of most read articles in Chemistry of Materials.
Sep 6, 2013, Isoindigo, A Versatile Electron-Deficient Unit For High Performance Organic Electronics, published online as an invited Perspective for 25th Anniversary of Chemistry of Materials. It becomes one of the most read articles in December, 2013.
August 29, 2013, Side Chain Engineering in Solution-Processible Conjugated Polymers published online as an invited Perspective for 25th Anniversary of Chemistry of Materials.
May 14, 2013, "Flexible polymer transistors with high pressure sensitivity for application in electronic skin and health monitoring" in Nature Communications has garnered media attention from a variety of new outlets, including Stanford News and Gizmag. The work involved Electrical Engineering graduate student Benjamin C.-K. Tee and postdoctoral scholars Jianguo Mei, Anthony L. Appleton, Do Hwan Kim, and Huiliang Wang. Stanford University produced a short video on the research that can be seen here. I contributed to the design and synthesis of the semiconducting materials.
April 4, 2013, Integrated Materials Design of Organic Semiconductors for Field-Effect Transistors published online as an invited Perspective for Journal of American Chemical Society.
February 27, 2013, The work on sorting of large-diameter carbon nanotubes published with Evan Wang in ACS NANO has been reported by Materials 360.